112th NCB Cruisebook

The following digital reproduction of the 112th Year Book/Cruisebook was graciously provided by a 112th Shipmate from his own original copy.

I've taken the liberty of dividing the book into "chapters" in order to facilitate easier browsing, and quicker loading of the pages. Also, all files are in Adobe PDF format.


Cover, and more... Cover page, cartoons, "Salute To the Battalion," and "High Points of the Battalion"
Original Officers of the Battalion Original officers of the 112th at Camp Lee-Stephenson
H Company Headquarters Company, with platoon pictures and roster
A Company A Company, with platoon pictures and roster
B Company B Company, with platoon pictures and roster
C Company C Company, with platoon pictures and roster
D Company D Company, with platoon pictures and roster
The 112th as a Military Unit The 112th drilling together as a unit.
The 112th at Work 'We piece together'
Welfare/Recreation Sports teams, entertainment, and whatnot.
Battalion Muster (Part 1) List of Battalion members and their home addresses upon publication of this cruisebook. Part 1
Battalion Muster (Part 2) List of Battalion members and their home addresses upon publication of this cruisebook. Part 2
The Last Chapter "Buttle Scott" cartoon, and tribute to C. P. Pinkes WT1c.